Phil Roberston and Pastor Greg discuss the best way to eat squirrel meat in this behind-the-scenes interview at the SoCal Harvest.
Category Archives: HP Fun

Sunday at Harvest
Hope for Hurting Hearts
A behind-the-scenes shot from our upcoming film, Hope for Hurting Hearts.
If you have a Facebook account, check out the new page for the film, which gives more pictures and quotes from the film’s production.
How Do You Know When You’re Getting Old?
Find out in this fun clip from last year’s Harvest Crusade!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Dear Harvest Partner,
I will use every means available to me to bring God’s love to the world.
I love that you stand with Harvest faithfully to provide the support to make it happen.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Blonde Jokes
Pastor Greg uses blonde jokes to illustrate a biblical point.
(No blondes were harmed in the making of these jokes.)