Phil Roberston and Pastor Greg discuss the best way to eat squirrel meat in this behind-the-scenes interview at the SoCal Harvest.
Author Archives: Harvest
Temporary Campus Closure
You may have heard that Harvest Riverside experienced a temporary campus closure this morning (September 11, 2013) following the arrest of a man on its campus last night. We want to make sure that we keep our Harvest Partners informed about what’s going on.
According to an AP report, “The FBI says a security screener at Los AngelesInternationalAirport has been arrested after quitting his job and making threats that led officials to clear terminals at the airport Tuesday.”
At this time it is unknown why the arrested man was on the Harvest campus. Authorities closed the campus to conduct a thorough search of the grounds as part of their investigation.
This closure interrupted school, office, and cafe/bookstore schedules during the morning only, but the campus has now been cleared as secure.
Wednesday and Sunday service times are not affected and students can report back to school tomorrow.
This incident is just another reminder of our nation’s need for revival and the importance of making the gospel known through efforts such as Harvest America. Please join us in praying for our country and praising Him for the protection of our Harvest family during this incident.
Thanks for standing with us as a Harvest Partner,
Harvest Ministries
Free Music Download
For a limited time, you can download the new song by Raymond Gregory, “Hope Is on the Way!” and share it with friends.
Bringing the Flock Home
Mr. Laurie,
My name is Derek and I am a combat veteran. Because of you and your ministry, and listening to you in the morning, I am now closer than ever to God. For the first time in my life, I am at peace.
When I listen to you in the morning, I feel His love and grace in my heart and with me. I can liken it to being hugged. Thank you for your work and ministry. I pray to one day meet you and thank you face to face.
I have struggled so long, and now I am able to place all my faith in God and know that the only thing that matters is following the path He has chosen for me. I cannot thank you enough. God bless you and your ministry for bringing the flock home.
Very gratefully,

Hope for Hurting Hearts
A behind-the-scenes shot from our upcoming film, Hope for Hurting Hearts.
If you have a Facebook account, check out the new page for the film, which gives more pictures and quotes from the film’s production.
Shane’s Testimony
Dear Greg,
I was watching Lost Boy, and what an amazing life God gave you. You are a true testimony of how God can change a man and really impact the world. I saw the part about your son Christopher dying in a car accident. I am really sorry for your loss. About 12 years ago, I was driving home from a Christian camp. As I was driving, I dozed for a second. I lost control of my vehicle and it flipped over and over again. My best friend, also named Christopher, died, and my sister had to learn how to walk again. I weep every day for the loss of my best friend.
I was so lost for so long; I became angry over my tragedy and I soon took it out on other people. I couldn’t look at my sister because of what I did to her, and I blamed myself for the pain that I caused Chris’s family. I soon walked away from God and the church. But God placed two people in my life: my mentor and you. I never met you, but one day I saw a Harvest Crusade on TV and I listened to you speak about how you were born lost and how God changed you. I thought God hated me, and that was why He let me go through my tragedy. Later I met my mentor. He prayed with me and helped me forgive myself and ask for the forgiveness of my sister and best friend’s family. Thank God they forgave me and told me they never blamed me. I wrote all of this to thank you for your words. I am now a youth pastor and I one day hope to be an evangelist that will impact the hurting youth of this generation.
At the White House
Here’s a photo from my recent trip to the East Coast for National Day of Prayer. Pray for our president and our nation!
International Impact
“I live in Sweden and, along with my wife and our eight children, I recently left the grasp of Mormonism (after 40 years as Mormon) a few months ago and came to the true biblical Jesus by His grace and Word. I found you, Greg, via your iPhone app and you were a big part of bringing me closer to Jesus and learning true Christian doctrine.
“Since then, our relationship with Jesus has grown more and more and we love your sermons; they aid in my learning and understanding. Might I say that you make listening enjoyable for the kids…we enjoy your jokes and pokes on cats! Your sermons are part of our daily life now, both via the iPhone app and YouTube. God bless you, Greg, and the Harvest America crusade ministry! You have helped us, all the way in Sweden, to come closer to the Lord. We love you!”
You can access the Harvest app at
Why Your Partnership Counts
Dear Pastor Greg,
I have heard your messages on the radio and have read your book Hope for Hurting Hearts. I lost my 11-year-old son on January 30, 2012. A drunk driver hit us and struck the passenger side, where my son was riding. The loss has been great, but I will continue to follow the Lord and serve Him because I know one day I will see my son Noah again in heaven. God bless you and the ministry.