God’s Priorities for Women

Many women of the Bible offer examples of what priorities we should have as Christian women today.

Here are five matriarchs who model God’s will for our lives.

Hannah, a Woman of Prayer: Hannah poured out her heart before the Lord in faithful and earnest prayer (see 1 Samuel 1–2).

Mary, a Woman of Worship: Mary of Bethany chose to sit at the feet of Jesus as a devoted worshipper (see Luke 10:38–42; Mark 14:3–9).

Esther, a Woman of Courage: Esther showed courage as she willingly risked her life for her people (see the Book of Esther).

Elizabeth, a Woman of Faith: She believed that nothing is impossible with God (see Luke 1).

The Samaritan, a Woman of God’s Word: This woman accepted God’s Living Water and shared it with others (see John 4:1–42).

Take some time and read about these amazing women of the Bible. Allow their examples to better encourage you in aligning your priorities with His Word as He leads!